A Sony/Marvel Ode to Vampires That Doesn't Sink It's Teeth Well Enough. (Morbius)
The Sonyverse of Marvel characters is still alive and kicking especially after the success of Venom Let There Be Carnage, and Spider-Man No Way Home. Sony introduces a new 'Marvel Legend' that has never been adapted on the big screen. Set in the Venomverse, Morbius is yet another inclusion to Marvel's experimentation with the themes of classic horror. Morbius's attempt to revitalize the vampire scene after years of being ridiculed might succeed as it takes baby steps needed to get there. Morbius centers around Dr. Michael Morbius, who has a rare blood disease that is in the midst of killing him. In an attempt to find a cure for himself and his best friend, Milo, he experiments on vampire bats and ends up getting cured not in the way he thought. He claims super strength, a sense of echolocation, and craves human blood. Originally known as a villain to Spider-Man, the film introduces that character's mannerisms way before he meets the web-slinger. Morbius is the kin...