Disney Abandons Risk For Nostalgia (The Little Mermaid 2023 review)
Another Disney remake but this time on the big screen. The big question is if it is a hit or miss? Disney's reputation towards remakes of their iconic animated classics is self-explanatory and hopefully, The Little Mermaid can be seen in a positive way. Do I feel that way? That could be a loaded question. This iteration of Ariel is CGI-heavy, more so than most of the remakes have utilized, especially for the first half of the film. At times it does feel a little wonky when compared to films like the Avatar sequel and Wakanda Forever, Mermaid does not stand a chance at being immersive in how real it looks because... it doesn't. However, the visuals are indeed striking and the colors pop enough to get the attention it needs. Still, the original animated film had more color, to begin with, and like most live-action iterations of a fairy tale, muted colors can take away the magic of scenes. Another comparison between this and the original is the sea creatures, such as Ariel'...