Pixar's Take on Immigrants and Romance (Disney Pixar's Elemental - review)
After years of Pixar being shunned as Disney Plus releases, they return to the big screen with Elemental. Directed by a lesser-known Pixar veteran, this feature focuses on a story between polar opposites... literally. In a city where inanimate elements roam as sentient beings, Pixar introduces another original world that proves itself that it is still the animation studio to beat. They might have little competition with the ambitions of Spider-Verse and the juggernaut that is Super Mario Bros, but the one thing Pixar never loses, no matter the project, it is the ability to strum heartstrings. Elemental was (barely) marketed as the romance between Ember, made of fire, and Wade, made of water. A kind of Romeo and Juliet-like story where the two are not meant to be together because they are not only different elements but elements that cancel each other out. Going past the surface of what audiences thought they were watching, Elemental is mostly an immigrant story, where the F...