Marvel's Echo (Full Series Review)
Marvel Studios has been restructuring and repurposing lately due to how recent entries to the ever-growing franchise are being received (even if I think sometimes people are being too harsh). With a new banner introduced to the Marvel Studios umbrella called Marvel Spotlight, spotlighting the ground-level heroes and their stories, audiences are re-introduced to Echo aka Maya Lopez with her headlining a 5 episode series. Alaqua Cox reprises the role from the Hawkeye miniseries alongside Vincent D'Nofrio's Wilson Fisk, bringing the franchise to a new era of Marvel television. This Echo TV show has been marketed as Disney Plus' first mature show featuring warnings of viewer discretion at the start of each episode. With expectations to be in a similar vein as the Marvel Netflix shows, Echo does not come to par with the tones and grittiness of what the Daredevil or Jessica Jones shows were and that might be a good thing. Echo realistically portrays fight scenes that are well-...