What If...? Episode 1: What If... Captain Carter Was The First Avenger (Spoiler Free-Review)

It has been a month since the Multiverse has been unleashed through (SPOILER ALERT!) the reckless actions of Sylvie from the Loki finale and now, The Watcher is giving us a chance to observe alongside him different versions of various events within the Marvel Cinematic Universe and ponder the question 'What If...?'. Marvel Studios' all-new project may be animated, giving audiences no reason to watch it but think again. As of a few weeks ago, according to A.C. Bradley, head writer, and Bryan Andrews, Head Director, What If is officially MCU canon, confirming this is yet another show vital to Phase 4's main narrative.
Now, that I've introduced what this show is, it is time to talk about this dazzling premiere episode. What If introduces us to this vast Multiverse with wondering What If... Captain Carter was the First Avenger? This premiere episode shows us an alternate timeline where Peggy Carter is injected with the super-soldier serum instead of Steve Rogers. Allowing Hayley Atwell to reprise the role, Peggy has finally been given the spotlight Marvel has denied the character since the cancellation of the Agent Carter TV show. We spent quite an amount of time with this variant and in fact, have been teased that show isn't done with her yet.
Unlike the last two Marvel Studios produced TV shows, What If... brings us back to having only 30 minutes of Marvel content every week once again after critically acclaimed and Emmy nominated WandaVision. However, the runtime invested in this very fast-paced episode introduced the show successfully. We don't get bogged down by unnecessary plotlines, that action proves itself to be on par with sequences featured in past movies and the animation is exceptionally stellar and expensive looking.
Unfortunately, one of the things that made this first episode so loud and flashy also did not allow audiences to breathe long enough before the next explosion happened. The episode, at times, felt as if it was rushing towards the final scene for viewers to eventually beg for more (a reaction most common within Marvel fans) which in this case, might not be the right feeling so early in. Yes, things have been ruled out due to it straying away from its original flow of events but that doesn't mean we didn't need to be properly introduced to this new iteration of characters, whether their arcs were similar or not. If we were seeing an alternate timeline, I beg to differ that these variants are exactly like the characters we've met. Now, I worry that What If possibly is throwing character development out the window with this particular show assuming we don't want to be reintroduced to underrated fan favorites like Dum Dum Dugan or a variant version of Bucky who has more humor than we've expected him to have. Hopefully, this will not be the case in the upcoming episodes as we delve deeper into subverted MCU events.
With that one backstep aside, What If does portray a new sense of storytelling within the MCU, shutting up haters who've made countless jokes about each MCU film being vaguely similar. I don't know if this show will change that perspective but as a Marvel fan myself, it is safe to say that What If is shaping up to be quite a memorable entry to the overall MCU, instead of the general idea that is the Multiverse Saga.