
Showing posts from November, 2020

Tales of Arcadia: A Guide to Del Toro's Visually Stunning Animated Franchise

  For those who have never heard of the Tales of Arcadia, it is a interconnected franchise of three animated shows that take place in a fictional town called Arcadia. Apparently this town holds secrets to worlds that involve trolls, aliens and ancient wizards, trying to keep the world intact. This series of shows are created and produced by the legendary director Guillermo Del Toro who have helmed monster movies like Pan's Labrynth and Shape of Water. It is honestly not surprising to learn that something as rich and as weird as these trio of shows were created by a guy like him.  The Tales of Arcadia is honestly one of the better animated shows out there and I consider it one of Dreamworks best animated properties and that includes the movies too.  Now, why am I here talking about this? Well, if anyone out there who has no idea that these shows were connected whatsoever or have no idea in what order to watch them.. you can check it out right here my opinions towards the s...

A Bombastic Christmas Musical (Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey)

  Yes... I have written yet another review because clearly I have nothing else to do when I actually have so much to do. It is always good to write, especially for me. Therapeutic writing aside, I am here to give you guys my review of yet another Netflix feature (Jeez, they have been releasing a lot of stuff lately), Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey. This came out on the weekend that just passed, but it's okay. I'm not freaking that I am missing out on premiere dates.  Anyways, Jingle Jangle is not only magical family Christmas movie, but it's also... takes in a deep breath... a MUSICAL. *gasps*. Yes, you guys. I know many of you ain't fans of musicals but I am going to write my review nonetheless.  Jingle Jangle is about this inventor named Jeronicus Jangle (I know, right?) who is quite famous in his town until one day, one of his trusted employees, who always feels small at the presence of the inventor, ends up stealing Jeronicus' designs and uses them to become...

Christmas Rom-Com for Book Lovers (Dash & Lily)

  I hate that I am so late to so many new shows lately with my swamping assignments but glad I finished this one in three hours. Before you panic, Dash & Lily is not a 3 hour movie. It is an 8-episode christmas teenage rom-com based on a book by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan. The show takes place throughout December about how these two teens, in a way, start falling for each other.  The all-new Netflix show stars Austin Abrams (If you don't know him, then clearly you haven't seen any other teenage based movie in the last few years, whether it is rom-com or a weird horror movie) and Midori Francis, who has always played the side character, are the ultimate darlings of this show which is kind of obvious since they are leads.  I actually ended up liking this cliche but memorable love story, in a certain way, because it was different. And also David Levithan was apart of this so... It is like I was meant to like it. There have been a few movies made based on his books bu...

The Queen's Gambit

  I'm so glad I am back to writing, especially writing a review about the most talked about tv show of the year. Queen's Gambit is the all new limited series that released on Netflix almost two weeks ago. Unfortunately, I got around to watch it this last whole week and I understand what everyone has been talking about. Before we get to that, this show is about an orphan, Elizabeth Harmon who gains an interest in playing chess and becomes a world-renowned chess player. That's the gist of it but there's more... not gonna say more.  Queens Gambit has been garnering universal acclaim with a rare 100% score on rotten tomatoes alongside many reviews raving about the all new limited series. Watching it myself, the show is definitely gripping, left me on the edge of my seat and its the ultimate motivational story about becoming great at something nobody else expects you be great at. With 7 hours of content, creators Scott Frank and Allan Scott has made possibly yet another grea...