Tales of Arcadia: A Guide to Del Toro's Visually Stunning Animated Franchise

For those who have never heard of the Tales of Arcadia, it is a interconnected franchise of three animated shows that take place in a fictional town called Arcadia. Apparently this town holds secrets to worlds that involve trolls, aliens and ancient wizards, trying to keep the world intact. This series of shows are created and produced by the legendary director Guillermo Del Toro who have helmed monster movies like Pan's Labrynth and Shape of Water. It is honestly not surprising to learn that something as rich and as weird as these trio of shows were created by a guy like him. The Tales of Arcadia is honestly one of the better animated shows out there and I consider it one of Dreamworks best animated properties and that includes the movies too. Now, why am I here talking about this? Well, if anyone out there who has no idea that these shows were connected whatsoever or have no idea in what order to watch them.. you can check it out right here my opinions towards the s...