Loki Episode 3: Lamentis (Spoiler Free Review and Spoiler Filled Review)



Loki is back to finish its first half of the season already. But even if there is so much left to cover, the all-new episode had so much going on in such little time that it didn't provide any insight into the bigger picture but it did tease something but then again... a tiny tease. 

The 41-minute episode (including the 4-minute credits) provides more action than the first two episodes but it involved way more character development to the titular and the new spoiler-y addition to the show but that's all it was. For me, as a buff for getting to know underrated characters is great especially in a large universe like the Marvel Cinematic Universse but it did in fact, stray away from the show's main premise which unfortunately makes this a filler episode in a six-episode show, unlikely and a tad unnecessary. 

Although, Marvel takes something out of the space opera book this time around with Mandalorian-like settings and tones for this episode which makes me wonder if that's why the episode decides to take a short time to feature such a familiar dystopian-Esque theme to play with while Loki... well, just is Loki. Hopefully, as promised by the cast and creators, next week's episode will start to answer our biggest theories and provide more fun and gasp-filled moments to feast on. 


This week's spoiler wagon is full. Firstly, I wanna talk about Sylvie Laufeydottir. The Loki variant doesn't call herself Loki because... information like that is left for later. So instead, she calls herself Sylvie which has us wondering where her comic book origins lie. Yes, they are adapting Lady Loki, but instead of using that whole Lady Sif body-swapping crap, they also incorporate a bit of The Enchantress in there. 

For those who don't know who the Enchantress is, she is a witch from Asgard named Amora who always had a crush on Thor but it was never reciprocated due to her evil endeavors. However, there was another incarnation of the character in the recent comics where Loki gives a girl named Sylvie Lushton from Broxton, powers, and names herself the Enchantress based on the Witch's moniker. 

They might be tying up these two strings to make an all-new character so.. don't worry, I am just as confused as you guys. Or possibly you more than I am but it's fine. The only big twist featured in the episode is where we learn that everyone who works in the TVA used to be human and are, in fact,  variants and not people the Time Keepers created to make sure the "Sacred Timeline" runs in the way of their choosing. So, turns out there is a version of Mobius out there is who is enjoying himself on a Jet Ski. 

What I wanna know more about is Sylvie's past. Unlike our Loki, she really apparently is much different for example, how Loki learned magic through Frigga while Sylvie was self-taught? How did that happen? Why wasn't anyone there to teach her? Plus point for Pride Month now, that we officially have proper confirmation that Loki's sexuality is way more fluid than we thought before (apart from the fact that in alternate universes, he could be known as a different gender). 

With so many tiny revelations, with some of them mostly just adhering to what fans have always wanted, Loki's recent episode is too short and I want more. Hell, I need more of this show right now. 


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