
Showing posts from April, 2021

Invincible Full Season Review (SPOILER ALERT!)

  The common expectation when it comes to animated shows or movies is its constant need of positive messages encouraging hope or goodwill, leaving us with a happy ending and a good feeling brewing inside you, a feeling most movie companies always try to achieve when making an 2D or most commonly these days 3D animation. Invincible is far from that as it features one of the most brutal superhero stories ever told where audiences should heed in parental guidance ratings.  Invincible tells the story of Mark Grayson, a teenager waiting for his powers to develop so, that he can become like his superhero Dad and be able to save the world. What Mark learns only later in the season, whereas for us early on, that his father also known as Omni Man is the so-called villain of this story. The surprise twist occurs in the final scenes of the very first episode where Omni Man eliminates the members of his superhero team, The Guardians of the Globe, a cliffhanger sequence I guarantee left a ...

Shadow and Bone (Spoiler Free Review)

  Netflix has this weird tendency to make TV shows and movies based on popular books and this young adult novel adaptation is yet another entry to Netflix's many attempts at trying to adapt such stories to bring in a wider audience to not only the streaming service itself but also towards the worlds that have been built by the authors of this obviously large fictional world. Netflix also has a thing for stories that include the excuse to feature British actors, which really shows how well Netflix is doing in the UK but that's not important. Let's get into my review of the all new Netflix original.  Shadow and Bone's epic fantasy-like story would be a competitor towards shows like The Witcher and Game of Thrones but one should know that this show is nothing like them and brings yet another cliché but surprisingly enjoyable adventure in the long run, especially when it comes to binging the first season in a day. The show tells the story of Alina Starkov, an orphan/ cartog...

Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 6: One World, One People (Series Finale) (Spoiler Review)

  The moment has finally arrived with the Falcon and The Winter Soldier officially reaching its end with the final episode of the miniseries. Six weeks of mystery, action and parallels to our current reality have been tied up in this satisfying yet subplot-filled set ups towards further stories to be told with the characters shown off in this John Wick-style Marvel show. Although there will be a Marvel sized hole in all our hearts until Loki releases but FATWS manages to create an ending that was both hard to comprehend and provides a relevant yet controversial opinion towards political moguls.  I decided to make this review a spoiler filled one because I am sure many of you have questions as to what was happening and also 'cause I definitely need to talk about certain parts of this finale that appealed or disappointed me.  There were two disappointing details that managed to be apart of this unfortunately too-short episode and one of them was the reveal of the Power Brok...

A Bloody Knockout Towards A Potential-Filled Martial Art Glorifier (Mortal Kombat)

After many failed attempts to make movies based on fan favorite video games, Warner Bros. reboots the Mortal Kombat film by completely making a film that was based on the original game entirely. As a non-fan of the Mortal Kombat lore, undetermined expectations really did help provide a sense of clarity when witnessing a story I knew nothing about.  Mortal Kombat encompasses 'tournaments' between good and evil when a group of 'Chosen Ones' are brought together to protect Earthrealm from the representatives of Outworld. The film lavishly spends an hour and 50 minutes introducing many characters without the ability to catch a breath, giving the audience a chance to learn their names, especially towards audiences who have never played the video game. That flaw, although worth ignoring is a breeze compared to the storyline.  The film rushes too quick to make sure it shows off its martial art/fight scenes that the film barely included any character interactions. Character dev...

Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 5: Truth (Spoiler Free Review)

  Marvel Studios really knows it's gameplay when it comes to making TV that leaves us wanting more. This week's penultimate episode really proves that fact. Episode 5, also known as 'Truth', is truthfully the most grounded episode in this show and possibly of all the Marvel Studios based shows that they are releasing this year. Plans are afoot, certain reveals are still not out of the shadows but the final battle is coming and it will be brutal.  After the traumatic events of last week, the new episode really tackles the struggle of gaining the moniker of Captain America and how fitting yourself as a symbol like that has many hurdles ahead, no matter the agenda. With this subplot, it is nice to see that Abraham Erskine's speech to Steve back in the The First Avenger, is the real factor of how the serum affects people. There is also the struggles of what the color of your skin is and really shows off why Sam decided to turn down being apart of a legacy like that.   T...

A Super Hero Trope of a Movie (Thunder Force)

  Two comedic women starring together to kick butt is the kind of story all want to witness these days after the success of many films that show off not only female empowerment but also what it's like for strong women to be superheroes, a genre usually dominated by men until recently. Thunder Force, Netflix's latest original movie, entrusts Ben Falcone to helm a Melissa McCarthy themed superhero trope of a movie which stars McCarthy herself.  Thunder Force begins with the origin of two best friends, Lydia and Emily. Lydia (McCarthy) is a no-nonsense badass from top to bottom, with nothing to her name whatsoever - that includes estranged parents, I guess. Emily (Octavia Spencer) has a much more cliché comic book-like origin story when her parents were murdered by Miscreants when she was a young girl, making it her life goal to be able to find a way to fight and defeat the powered criminals once for all.  The Miscreants are hypocritically only identified as 'criminals' wh...

Falcon and The Winter Solider Episode 4 The World is Watching (Spoiler Free Review)

Two reviews in a day. Why the hell not, right? Usually don't have the energy to type this fast but I am on a roll. This week finally proves that Kevin Feige and the Marvel company really gave alot of leeway towards the writers of this show to be as dark it needs to be. With the title this week called  'The World is Watching', it  immediately clicks in your head that something big is about to go down.  With half of the season gone, The Falcon and The Winter Solider is now heading to the more dramatic parts of the show that delivers so hard, I am pretty sure fans are raving now as to what happened in this episode. With my reaction itself on this review kind of spoils you guys as to how shocking this episode will be from beginning to end. (On a plus note: To all the fans who have been death-threatening Wyatt Russell for his portrayal as John Walker, you need to stop now and start thinking about how this can affect a regular person let alone an actor. Please respect him and s...

Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 3 Power Broker (Spoiler Free Review)

Hey everyone. Sorry for being missing for a while. Been focusing on assignments lately and realized I hadn't posted any reviews in a while now. Still in the midst of finishing my assignment when the due date is so close but I'm here now 'cause I am feeling inspired and hyped once again for the future of the MCU. Note: I am writing this review after watching episode 4 so, if I slip up on certain stuff, please forgive me and do not block my blog. This is a hobby and I hope you guys see how much I love doing this and would preferably like to not worry about making another blog to please you guys again.  Anyways, episode 3, titled Power Broker continues where episode 2 left off with the iconic due setting their path on a much dangerous investigation that includes the help of Helmut Zemo, last seen in Civil War. The show has finally picked up as the grounded Marvel show it needs to be, throwing awesome plotlines that make this comic book-come-to-life experience all the more merr...