Falcon and The Winter Solider Episode 4 The World is Watching (Spoiler Free Review)

Two reviews in a day. Why the hell not, right? Usually don't have the energy to type this fast but I am on a roll. This week finally proves that Kevin Feige and the Marvel company really gave alot of leeway towards the writers of this show to be as dark it needs to be. With the title this week called  'The World is Watching', it  immediately clicks in your head that something big is about to go down. 

With half of the season gone, The Falcon and The Winter Solider is now heading to the more dramatic parts of the show that delivers so hard, I am pretty sure fans are raving now as to what happened in this episode. With my reaction itself on this review kind of spoils you guys as to how shocking this episode will be from beginning to end. (On a plus note: To all the fans who have been death-threatening Wyatt Russell for his portrayal as John Walker, you need to stop now and start thinking about how this can affect a regular person let alone an actor. Please respect him and separate the role from the actor). 

The star of this particular episode was surprisingly Wyatt Russell, giving it his all to play this easy-to-hate yet relatable character who is only being underestimated and belittled - offscreen and onscreen. His storyline arc in this episode not only gears us up for future events that feature him but also really gets us wondering what is really going to play out in the finale of this internet breaking show. Erin Kellyman is also another wildcard waiting for right moments to be mellow and then a scary fighter the next moment which makes her oh so talented and leaving me hoping that she leaves this show in a open ended sense so, that we can see more of her much like how Zemo and possibly John Walker will be handled - being optimistic to how faithful the writers are being towards the comic books, of course. 

All in all, another great episode that left us wanting more. The set up is a killer for Marvel fans who are right now just craving for answers and more mayhem to occur in this already mayhem-filled show. 


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