
Showing posts from September, 2021

A Fun, Fortnite-Like Adventure That Promises to Make Your Day Better (Free Guy)

You're probably wondering why I'm writing a review for Free Guy when its due to release in Malaysian cinemas by the 14th. Well, just like we all feared, Free Guy would probably lose a bit more of its ticket sales due to it's digital copy being out, online, today. But for those who want to stick it out until it's out in theatres to finally catch it, be my guest. But for those who are planning to watch it now or at least have already watched it... Welcome and here is my review for Free Guy Free Guy stars and is produced by Ryan Reynolds as his latest project that is not apart of the Hitman's Bodyguard or Deadpool franchises. However, expect Free Guy to pay homages to those respective franchises, whether subtle or not. Helmed by Shawn Levy, (one of the men behind Stranger Things) tells the story of an NPC named Guy in a famous video game called Free City. Due to him being NPC, his purpose is limited and is stuck to doing the same three things everyday. He decides to ch

A Faith Overpowering, Monologue-Filled, Supernatural Tale That Leaves an Undeniable Taste That Lingers a Long While. (Midnight Mass) (Spoiler-Free Review)

Mike Flanagan is known to write the best storylines within the horror genre by creating characters that are not only haunted by their pasts, whether literally or metaphorically, but also creating characters that are suffering from loss, mental health, and checkered beliefs influenced by parental figures. Flanagan returns with an original limited series for Netflix after the success of Hill House and Bly Manor. With some of the cast members from those respective shows including Flanagan's wife Kate Siegel, comes a new story that will definitely leave you with chills by the end of each of the hour long episode.   Midnight Mass is set centered around the residents of an island that take their faith a little too seriously (well, at least most of them do). When a new priest comes to take over their parish, miracles occur along with mysterious outcomes that involve the well-being of these new and old residents. Although marketed as a supernatural horror show, Midnight Mass tackles faith

What If...? Episode 7: What If... Thor Was an Only Child? (Spoiler Free Review)

  This week's What If...? episode was considerably more fluff compared to the last week. It was a breath of fresh air compared to the doom and gloom of the wider MCU multiverse. In this 30 minute entry, we meet an alternate version of the God of Thunder himself where Odin never adopts Loki as Thor's brother. Without Loki in his life, Thor becomes the sole heir of the throne and never becomes the selfless hero he learns to be by the end of the first Thor film. He, instead, becomes Party Thor, who accidentally destroys planets by having the biggest parties and has a best-bro-like relationship with Loki for a change.  A handful of returning actors reprises their live-action roles from the likes of Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, and Kat Dennings except for Carol Danvers who makes a memorable appearance in this episode. The voice acting proves itself way better compared to last week's abysmal 'Wakanda Forever' chant by Michael B. Jordan, whether intentional or not.  L

Dear Evan Hansen (The Review)

Based on the Tony-winning Broadway musical, Dear Evan Hansen returns to grace our lives with its stellar music and controversial storyline, now in a form of a motion picture featuring Ben Platt himself, reprising the titular character. From director Stephen Chbosky (Perks of Being a Wallflower and Wonder) and songwriters Benj Pasek and Justin Paul (La La Land and The Greatest Showman), Dear Evan Hansen deems to make audiences possibly cry whilst watching this movie like most people did when they watched the original Broadway production.  For those who don't know what this will be about, this musical tells the story of Evan Hansen, a boy suffering from anxiety and depression who writes encouraging letters to himself as an assignment given by his therapist to help him get through the day. On the first day back in school, one of his letters gets taken by Connor Murphy, a bully-like character that suffers from his own demons. Fearing that Connor had posted the letter, Evan lives in par

What If...? Episode 6: What If...Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark? (Spoiler- Free Review)

What If...? returns with yet another surprising episode that revamp the events of the opening scene of the movie that started it all... Iron Man. In the movie, Tony is driven through the desert of Afghanistan with an escort of US soldiers on their way back to the airport after a weapon's demonstration of Stark's Jericho Missile. On the way there, Tony's unit gets attacked and in an attempt to escape, a bomb of his own explodes in front of him, causing shrapnel to cut through his chest, which will lead him to have the arc reactor built within him to keep him alive until the events of Iron Man 3.  However in this alternate universe, instead of Tony getting hit by shrapnel, Erik Killmonger, T'Challa's long-lost cousin, had been on an undercover mission to take down the Ten Rings organization and finds himself saving Tony. The two meet and Tony brings him back to Los Angeles. Erik reveals early on that it was Obadiah Stane's plan to kill Tony in Afghanistan and Tony

Kate (Spoiler Free Review)

  For years, we have been given many amazing movies about badass women whom kill brutally from Angelina Jolie's Salt to Luc Besson's Anna. Last week, Netflix presents us Mary Elizabeth Winstead in her most violent role yet, playing the titular role of Kate. This action packed assassin thriller portrays a child turned killer, Kate sent by her handler, Varrick (Woody Harrelson) to murder a high-profile Japanese business man leaving his daughter to watch. 10 months later someone attempts and succeeds in poisoning Kate as revenge for her last murder as learning the victim's brother is a member of the Yakuza. Kate has 12 hours to avenge herself in an unforgettable night.  Kate is produced by David Leitch, as expected considering how bloody the fight scenes were, and the film manages to keep audiences hooked with this predictable journey as much as fans were entertained with the John Wick movies and Leitch's recent release, Nobody. Kate only suffers as it recycles the story o

What If...? Episode 3: What If...Zombies?! (Spoiler Free Review)

Yes, theatres are finally open in Malaysia (YAYYY!!!) but that doesn't mean we should forget about the new episode of What If...?. This week's episode has been pretty anticipated since its reveal in the trailer back in December. Marvel Studios adapts their zombie comic book run for an episode for the Disney Plus anthology series where we see our favorite superheroes infected with a virus that turns everyone into the walking dead.  How does this happen, you may ask? Well since What If...?'s main theme is changing a specific event that occurred in the sacred timeline within Ant-Man and The Wasp where Hank Pym attempts to save his long-lost wife, Janet van Dyne, from the Quantum Realm? In the movie, he succeeds long enough before he, Janet, and Hope get dusted while Scott was stuck in the Quantum Realm, coinciding with the events with the ending of Infinity War.  This time around, Hank finds Janet infected by a virus from Quantum Realm that is similar to a zombie virus and bri

CODA-Centered Feel-Good Movie (CODA Review)

  Coming of age stories always either do well to relate to teenagers and adults or do not due to the lack of accurate portrayals no matter the culture or lifestyle. Apple TV presents CODA, named after the acronym Child Of Deaf Adult(s), telling a story of a teenage CODA as we watch her wanting to pursue a career in music which is a struggle when her family does not have the ability to hear how good she is while her parents struggle to not rely on her to translate for their fishing business wherever they go.  CODA has a sense of humor, portrays the teen's struggle well, and hits all the right notes a feel-good family movie should. However, that this doesn't mean parents should abandon their parental locks when it comes to watching it (a forewarning for parents out there to check out the IMDB page beforehand). With a hint of romance and great performances whether it's through acting and singing, CODA is promising and worth the watch. But just in case, keep some tissues nearby

Cinderella For Today (Cinderella (2021)) (Spoiler Free Review)

Cinderella is a classic story that has been adapted in possibly a thousand different ways. A majority of them never charm us well enough to make the adaptation compelling or enjoyable, whether it's for adults or children. This Camila Cabello starring Cinderella story is an all-new retelling that stays true to its enchanting setting while incorporating the music and styles of dialogue used today.  This Cinderella starts out similar and yet it lives up to its statement of being as modern as it could be even if it's something we've seen before. Cabello's Ella is the stepdaughter of a somewhat relatable and a tiny bit cruel stepmother played by Idina Menzel who wants her to marry off her daughters, including Ella. However, this version of Ella doesn't want to fall in love or live the life of a common woman. Ella wants to be a designer and businesswoman of her own dress shop. Instead of focusing on Ella's road to independence, we also see the struggle of women within

The Witcher: Nightmare of The Wolf (Spoiler-Free Review)

  The Witcher saga is finally expanding with Season 2 set to premiere in December. However, that's not the only way Netflix decided to please fans after an exceptionally long-winded wait. The Witcher: Nightmare of The Wolf is an anime-style film that works itself as a prequel, telling the story of the Witcher, Vesemir whom later we know as Geralt's mentor in the live-action series.  Although it only took an hour and a half to tell the story before the story, 'Nightmare manages to not only sow seeds for what's to come in the upcoming season but really reminds how messed up this large franchise actually is, especially after how much was introduced in the first season. It is clear there are more we are still missing out on.  Those who haven't read book series nor the video games (unlikely buggers like myself are a part of this list) will enjoy this anime film as much as anime enthusiasts alongside the die-hard fans of the franchise itself. The story is short, which is

What If...? Episode 4: What If... Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands? (Spoiler-Free Review)

This show just gets better and better. What If...? entertains Marvel fans once again with this stellar new episode. The Watcher takes us to yet another alternate timeline where Rachel McAdams' character, Dr. Christine Palmer is in a car accident with Stephen Strange that kills her instead of severely injuring his hands. This leads Stephen to go through all the other events in Doctor Strange, portraying that in every timeline, Stephen will end up practicing the mystic arts and defeating Dormammu.  However, saving the world wasn't enough In an attempt to avoid her death using the Eye of Agamotto (also known as the Time Stone) rewinding time as much as he could, he realizes there's no way to save Christine because it is apparently an 'Absolute Point' in time (or at least in this timeline) that has to take place. With this knowledge, he takes a dark path to change this 'Absolute Point'. This is where all hell breaks loose and I almost mean that literally.  Sayin