WandaVision Episode 8 (Spoiler Free review)

(Courtesy of Marvel Studios) The expression Wanda makes above is definitely the face everyone will make after watching the recent episode of WandaVision. We are finally done with the sitcom part of the show and getting into the full-fledged Marvel show were promised. More answers are answered as per usual and of course more questions alongside a taste of what is coming for us in the epic finale next week. Episode 8 is what I hope everyone (including me) wanted and more. WandaVision finally proves that Marvel does not only excel in action but also with scenes that not only strums but plucks your heartstrings. Giving us literally the quote of the year, Vision's one scene in this episode is his most mundane yet. The sheer star power to beat for the week is most definitely Elizabeth Olsen. In previous weeks, her portrayal of the fan favorite superhero has only foreshadowed why Kevin Feige hired her all those years ago. The recent episode officially puts Olsen on the map as possibly on...