Shadow In The Cloud
The film centers around a young woman named Garret carrying precious cargo, assigned to the Fool's Errand, a plane taken over and piloted by a bunch of misogynistic men that treat her terribly but all hell breaks loose when a bunch of Japanese aircrafts attack alongside a shadow that is constantly dismantling the plane from one end to the other. Although the film may run for an hour and 30 minutes, it is enjoyable all the way through and it felt much longer than that.
The star of this film - and the only face you see for the entire film is of course, Moretz who is finally putting her acting chops in good use after many misfires in the past. There is only one person to talk about in this film and it is a good thing. In retrospect, this movie, is yet another tribute to female pilots and test pilots who were underappreciated during the second world war. The properties that I have watched that have addressed this theme were Marvel properties. So, it's nice to see this outside the overworked franchise.
From what I have read, apparently this film wasn't received positively by everyone. Audiences have called it dumb, stupid and unconvincing. So, if this film isn't your cup of tea, then maybe you should leave this out of your watchlist for the current lockdown. If you do end up liking it, well good for you. It is easy to admit this film was made in the most B-grade way possible but if this is in any way considered B-grade, C-grade etc, I still think it was clear effort for a female director I haven't heard of to put on a show that was heart pumping all the way through.