Home (Not So) Sweet Home (Vivarium)

Vivarium - an enclosure, container, or structure adapted or prepared for keeping animals under semi-natural conditions for observation or study or as pets; an aquarium or terrarium. According to Google. I had not heard of Vivarium until I saw the poster in my movie suggestions a few days ago. The poster intrigued me and it said that it started Jessie Eisenberg and Imogen Hoots. Immediately, I had to watch the trailer. Like the trailer promised, the movie was just all the way psychologically traumatizing. The film starts with an opening sequence of a bird pushing down a bunch other baby birds out of the nest to make room for her its hatchlings, leaving them to die. That should already give you a sense of what you are getting yourself into. Jemma and Tom are just like every other couple in the world, looking for a place to live in. They come across a real estate agent named Martin ( who undeniably and oddly lacks social skills ) who takes them to a suburban town called ...