Home (Not So) Sweet Home (Vivarium)

Vivarium - an enclosure, container, or structure adapted or prepared for keeping animals under semi-natural conditions for observation or study or as pets; an aquarium or terrarium. According to Google.

I had not heard of Vivarium until I saw the poster in my movie suggestions a few days ago. The poster intrigued me and it said that it started Jessie Eisenberg and Imogen Hoots. Immediately, I had to watch the trailer. Like the trailer promised, the movie was just all the way psychologically traumatizing.

The film starts with an opening sequence of a bird pushing down a bunch other baby birds out of the nest to make room for her its hatchlings, leaving them to die. That should already give you a sense of what you are getting yourself into.

Jemma and Tom are just like every other couple in the world, looking for a place to live in. They come across a real estate agent named Martin ( who undeniably and oddly lacks social skills ) who takes them to a suburban town called Yonder and gives them a tour of house #9. While giving the tour, Martin disappears and leaves them there. They decide to leave only to realise they can't. That's when the fun begins. I cannot tell more for that you have to watch the movie to witness the proportions that the happy couple will face.

Eisenberg and Hoots are at the peak of careers and this underrated indie film is the perfect platform to showcase their stellar talent instead of a big budget blockbuster ( which is something I have been craving since the lockdown started ) actors usually go after being not in the acting scene often. Vivarium is a psychological thriller that is not perfectly explained but is worth to ponder about after watching.

Fair warning. Vivarium might make you feel uncomfortable during a few tiny scenes but those scenes should not define this movie entirely. It's the acting and horror element of it that makes it special.

I'm rating Vivarium a solid 8/10. This is the perfect film to watch during this trying time and it also gets the mind whirring and your heart pumping.


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