Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Took me a
few days to write this cause I was busy with Christmas. But its finally
It's the
end of the Skywalker Saga, a more than forty year journey all geeks have
endured and enjoyed throughout while picking up more geeks on the way to fall
in love with this beloved franchise. If you dont know what I'm talking about,
I'm talking about Star Wars and The Rise of Skywalker also known as Episode 9,
is out now.
It's not only the final chapter of this sequel trilogy but 'The Final Word in The Skywalker Saga' according to Palpatine who conveniently returns in this sequel. Also, returning are your current favourite StarWars characters like Rey, Finn and Poe along with your favourite droid, BB-8 for one last crazy adventure. But ever since the trailer came out, we all wondered 'will The Rise of Skywalker live up to the hype and be able to finish this specific part of Star Wars and also end the saga altogether?'. Well in my opinion, the hype is worth it for its epic-conclusion-ness but there are some unfortunate mishaps that happened, during the movie and behind the scenes.
J.J Abrams returns to direct and co-write the threequel because 1) Colin Trevorrow (Jurassic World) was supposed to the direct but had a row with Kathleen Kennedy. So he pulled out. 2) they didn't want Rian Johnson, who directed The Last Jedi, because of what he did in that movie which I thought was good movie. ( Yes, people. I thought The Last Jedi was great. So, shut your traps)
Abrams did do a good job directing The Force Awakens but for this movie, he had
to rectify errors that both he and Rian Johnson made in the previous movies for
the sake of fan service. Something I wish they didn't do. Force Awakens did
have fan service but it was excuted well. That's why it was good. The Last Jedi
didn't have fan service whatsoever which I thought was great because it seemed
new, original even. But no, everything that happened in The Last Jedi was
slammed by fans. The Laat Jedi became the most controversial Star Wars movie

there are plotholes and YES, this Star Wars is flawed AF but it was still good
and the best scenes are incredibly goosebumpy. And you might also shed a tear
or two by the end, because this is yet another end of yet another era of Star
Wars... with this movie being the end of a legendary decade, Rise of Skywalker
fits alongside as the stories that define this decade.
I will be rating Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker a 7/10. I wish I could give a higher rating but I can't. I love Star Wars, I love this movie. It could have been done better but it's done now and it still made me feel good.